New article co-authored by Prof. Bandosz

Arcibar-Orozco, J. A., Giannakoudakis, D. A. and Bandosz, T. J. (2015), Copper Hydroxyl Nitrate/Graphite Oxide Composite as Superoxidant for the Decomposition/Mineralization of Organophosphate-Based Chemical Warfare Agent Surrogate. Advanced Materials Interfaces. doi: 10.1002/admi.201500215 Abstract: Dimethyl chlorophosphate (DMCP) is a surrogate of G-series organophosphate nerve agents. The destruction of DMCP over copper hydroxyl nitrate (CuON) and copper hydroxyl nitrate/graphite oxide composite (CuONGO) is studied. The extent of interactions between DMCP and the adsorbent surface is monitored by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in a total attenuated reflectance mode at several predetermined time exposures. Thermal analysis/mass spectrometry is also used to determine the reactive adsorption …

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