.@MuseumofCityNY #BookClub on 5/12: #Gowanus, Bklyn’s Curious Canal. Get free tix here!

Use code MCB1 for discounted tickets or even better comment on this post, the facebook post, or retweet for free tickets!

In Gowanus: Brooklyn’s Curious Canal (NYU Press, 2015), author Joseph Alexiou traces the canal’s history through the Revolutionary War, several waves of immigrants, its frenzied rise as one of America’s paramount industrial centers, and the widespread environmental degradation that followed.  Join us for a conversation about how gentrification is again transforming this dynamic urban landscape and toxic waste site into a reinvigorated center of post-industrial chic. Reception and book signing to follow! 



Free for Museum members; Use code $MCB1 for discount tickets! Or comment/retweet for free tickets!


For a tutorial of the online ticketing system, click here.


This program is co-sponsored by Brownstoner, the Brooklyn Arts Council, Brooklyn Community Board 6Columbia Water Center, the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department at the CUNY Graduate CenterEast River C.R.E.W., Gowanus by DesignGowanus Canal Community Development Corporation (GCCDC)Project for Public Places, and Riverkeeper.
