Additional GIS classes available for the Fall!

Lehman College Graduate-level courses for Fall 2017, appropriate for EES doctoral students: 

GEP 606: Raster Analysis (3 credits, 4 hours)

Focusing on the structure and the various ways in which raster data can created, modified, and analyzed using a Geographic Information System (GIS). Topics include surface analysis, multi-criteria/multi-objective evaluation, and map algebra. The course combines lectures with weekly laboratory exercises designed to apply the concepts from the lectures and to develop students’ expertise with GIS processing software.  Prerequisite: GEP 505 (an intro-level GIS course) or instructor’s permission.  Meets Mondays, from 6:00 – 9:30 PM, Prof. Machado


GEP 605 Environmental Analysis and Modeling with GISc (4 credits, 6 hours)

Use of Geographic Information Systems for conducting research and spatial analyses in the natural and social sciences. The advanced use of computer mapping and spatial analysis technologies for studying the physical and human components of the Earth environment.   This course will enable intermediate GIS users to expand their knowledge of current methodologies, and to prepare them to conduct more complex and meaningful analyses involving modeling and simulation.  The course will explore in depth the topic of Environmental Modeling and Spatial Analysis with GISc, and will give students the opportunity to design and develop a major GIS project.  Through a series of lectures, GIS laboratory work, and the design of a GIS project, students will learn more advanced GIS spatial techniques and their applications to environmental analysis and management, urban planning, risk and hazard assessment, and other arenas of public policy and decision-making.  Prerequisite: GEP 505 (an intro-level GISc course) or instructor’s permission.  Hybrid on-line, meets 6 or 7 Wednesdays, from 6:00 – 9:30 PM, Prof. Maantay


GEP 675 Data Acquisition and Integration Methods for GISc Analysis (3 credits, 4 hours)

The techniques and science behind field methods commonly used for the acquisition and creation of geo-spatial data. Various techniques for data capture as well as processing and analyzing the data within a geographic information system (GIS). Labs will focus on the hardware and software needed for data creation, the integration of this information into a coherent GIS, and basic concepts of analysis including point-pattern analysis. Students will use GPS devices, mobile GIS, workstation GIS, as well as data from other sources including satellite and airborne remotely sensed data.  Meets Thursdays, from 6:00 – 9:30 PM, Prof. Gorokhovich