Faculty Scholarly Works on #Drought #CoastalDeltas and #GeorgianPerspectives

Coauthored by Professor Nir Krakauer of City College in Natural Hazards Drought risk assessment in central Nepal: temporal and spatial analysis Coauthored by Professor Charles J. Vörösmarty of City College in Science Profiling risk and sustainability in coastal deltas of the world Coauthored by Peter Kabachnik of College of Staten Island Collective memory, national identity, and contemporary Georgian Perspectives on Stalin and the Soviet Past  

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New Publications! #RemoteSensing #GOPhase #AmmoniaSensing

Coauthored by Prof Wenge Ni-Meister of Hunter College The fourth phase of the radiative transfer model intercomparsion (RAMI) exercise: Actual canopy scenarios Coauthored by Prof Teresa J. Bandosz of City College Effect of GO phase in Zn(OH)2/GO composite on the extent of photocatalytic reactive adsorption of mustard gas surrogate Insight into ammonia sensing on heterogeneous S- and N- co-doped nanoporous carbons

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New Skillshare Series with the SpaceTime Research Collective

You can JOIN THE LISTSERV HERE or read more about STRC and the skillshare series below. What will the skillshares be about? What can I propose? Skillshares can be anything that at least a small group of people want to do together. Co-facilitated workshops are very encouraged.    Past peer led STRC workshops and skillshares are known for supporting scholar activist practices and projects, generating strategic and creative ways to navigate disciplinary and neoliberal professionalization pressures, and for cultivating a culture of mutual aid, constructive criticism, and non-competitive attention to each other’s work and ideas, within and against the academy.   The upcoming series will very likely include some of the …

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Prof. Fred Moshary: Application of a broadly tunable SG-DBR QCL for multi-species trace gas spectroscopy

Coauthored by Professor Fred Moshary of City College Application of a broadly tunable SG-DBR QCL for multi-species trace gas spectroscopy in Optics Express Feasibility of using a mid-Infrared tunable sampled-grating distributed Bragg reflectors quantum cascade laser for high resolution multicomponent trace gas spectroscopy is demonstrated. By controlling the driving currents to the front and back sections of the laser, we were able to tune a pulsed 4.55 µm laser over a frequency range a of 30 cm−1 with high resolution, accuracy and repeatability. The laser was applied to absorption spectroscopy of ambient and reduced pressure (150 Torr) air in a …

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Free Interfolio Account + $90 credit

The Graduate Center has partnered with a company named Interfolio to provide online dossier services. As is now common practice, student portfolios can be placed online in an Interfolio account and accessed 24/7. The student works directly with Interfolio to establish a portfolio that can include letters of recommendation, curriculum vitae, writing samples, dissertation abstracts, teaching certifications, student evaluations, and more. The Interfolio system accepts and stores almost any type of information. Interfolio is an excellent way to store and deliver materials to an academic search committee or for further study. Interfolio maintains robust technological safeguards to keep documents private …

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Prof Sharon Zukin: The omnivore’s neighborhood? Online restaurant reviews, race, and gentrification

Prof Sharon Zukin has first authored a new publication in the Journal of Consumer Culture.  Check it out below! The omnivore’s neighborhood? Online restaurant reviews, race, and gentrification S Zukin, S Lindeman, L Hurson – Journal of Consumer Culture, 2015 Abstract Social media users who post restaurant reviews on the website Yelp.com act as both prosumers or produsers and ‘‘discursive investors’’ in gentrification. Their unpaid online reviews create cultural and financial value for individual restaurants and also construct a positive or negative image of their locations that may lead to economic investment. Moreover, Yelp reviewers show marked preferences in terms …

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Prof Ruthie Gilmore Wins Award!

Professor Ruth Wilson Gilmore (Earth and Environmental Sciences/American Studies) has been selected from a competitive field of scholars as Purchase College-SUNY’s inaugural Eugene Grant Distinguished Scholar. The prize, created by Eugene and Emily Grant to promote academic excellence and student success, was granted in recognition of Gilmore’s innovative work on the environment. In the upcoming year, Gilmore’s research will inspire students in areas including environmental studies, sociology, visual arts, and new media to use water as a lens to investigate issues such as the price of food, medical conditions, housing quality, and land displacement. Her wide-ranging research interests include revolution …

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New faculty publications!

First authored by Professor Alfredo Morabia of Queens College The refugee crisis in the Middle East and public health Has epidemiology become infatuated with methods? A historical perspective on the place of methods during the classical (1945-1965) phase of epidemiology Authored by Professor Peter Marcotullio of Hunter College Climate injustice and cities Coauthored by Professor Fred Moshery of City College Impacts of surface albedo models on high-resolution AOD retrevial Open-path quantum cascade laser-based system for simultaneous remote sensing of methane, nitrous oxide, and water vapor using chirped-pulse differential optical absorption spectroscopy Coauthored by Professor Samir Ahmed of City College Neural …

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Prof Katz: #SpacesInDanger Prof Bandosz: #CO2 rxn adsorp on #nanoporous dope

Chapter Authored by Executive Officer of EES Prof Cindi Katz A Bronx Chronicle in Spaces of Danger: Culture and Power in the Everyday Article authored by Prof Teresa Bandosz of City College Evidence for carbon dioxide reactive adsorption on nanoporous S- and N- doped carbon at ambient conditions

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