#CfP: 25th Annual Critical Geography Conference, Abstract Deadline Extended to 9/17

The deadline to submit abstracts for presentations for the 25th Critical Geographies Mini-conference at Temple University in Philadelphia has been extended. Please submit your abstracts by Monday the 17th of September. You may do so here:  https://tucriticalgeography.wordpress.com
The conference will begin on the evening of Friday, October 19th, 2018, with a keynote by Dr. Carolyn Finney, as part of Temple’s 2018 Department of Geography and Urban Studies Benjamin H. Kohl Social Justice Lecture.The main conference program, with paper and panel sessions, will be held on Saturday, October 20th. An optional workshop will be held on Sunday, October 21st for students and faculty who want to extend the attainments of the conference into active collaborations – e.g. publications and project writing, capacity building, coalition building, methods sharing, conceptual mapping, and regional resource exchange. 
Please visit  https://tucriticalgeography.wordpress.com for more information and reach out to to directly at  TUCriticalGeography@gmail.com with any questions or concerns.