Congratulations! A Year in Faculty Awards

Congratulations to all of our faculty members who received awards this year!


Sean Ahearn—New York City Department of Environmental Protection; Natural Resource Program Data Management Services: GIS, WALIS, and Streams Geodatabase, February 2013-January 2014


Teresa Bandosz—Mead Westvaco Corporation: Gas Service Testing, December 2012-October 2013


James Biles—NSF EAGER/Collaborative Research: Overcoming Barriers to Diffusion and Adoption of Sustainable and Resilient Buildings Materials in Coastal Areas of Southern Mexico, June 2013-May 2015; EL CONCIYTEY: Strengthening the Value Chain for Chile Habanero from the Yucatán Peninsula by Means of Understanding its Food System, February 2013-January 2014


Jeffrey Bird—University of California-Berkeley Laboratory: University of California Blodgett Experimental Forest, 2012-2013


Hongmian Gong—U.S. Department of Transportation: Empowering Individuals to Make Environmentally Sustainable and Healthy Transportation Choices in Megacities Through a Smartphone App, September 2012-November 2013; US Department of Transportation CUNY UTRC: GPS Research Cluster Team for Transportation, December 2012-December 2013


Yuri Gorokhovich—NSF: Project SEED (STEM Educators Expansion), October 2012-Septembe 2014


Nir Krakauer—NOAA: Application of Information theory to Measure and Increase the Skill of Long-Term Forecasting, August 2012-July 2014; Colorado State University: Adaption for Climate Change by Livestock Smallholders in Gandaki River Basin, August 2012-April 2015


John Marra—Participant in 45th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, NASA. January 2013-January 2014


Kyle McDonald—Columbia University: Development and Implementation of Flood Risk Mapping, Water Bodies Monitoring, and Climate Information for Disaster Management and Human Health, August 2012-August 2013; University of Montana: Accuracy Assessment and Attribution of Uncertainty for the Global Freeze-Thaw Earth System Data Record, August 2011-August 2013


Cecilia McHugh—Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory: Seafloor Mapping of Long Island Sound Phase 1: Pilot Program, 2012-2013


Gregory O’Mullan—Eppley Foundation for Research: Exploring Connections Between Water Quality and Air Quality, 2012-2013; Hudson River Foundation: Rapid Response: Post Sandy Collection and Preliminary Analysis of Samples from Flood Impacted Areas, 2012-2013

Jonathan Peters—NYS Department of Transportation: University Transportation Research Center, January 2013-December 2013


Ashaki Rouff—NSF: SusChEM: Controls on Struvite Neogenesis and Reactivity in Engineered and Geochemical Systems Currents and Intersection Numbers for Deformation Species, 2012-2016


William Solecki—City of New York Economic Development Council: Development of Updated Climate Scenarios for NYC, March 2013-August 2013; UT-Battelle, LLC: Climate Change in US Cities, March 2012-September 2012


Gillian Stewart—NSF/Wayne State University; Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES-210 Po and 210 Pb Distribution at Eastern Pacific Interface Regimes, 2012-2015


Charles Vorosmarty—Columbia University: Linking NASA Models and Missions to Global Change September 2012-September 2013


Michael Weisberg—NASA: Petrologic-Geochemical Studies of Reduced Solar System Materials, June 2012-May 2015


Alumni News

Babette Audant (2013)—National Endowment for the Humanities: Foodways and Humanities Project, January 2013-June 2015