Eco-Festival 2013 at Kingsborough Community College

Eco-Festival 2013 is coordinated by Dr. Christina Colón, along with Dr. Regina Alvarez
and Prof. Anthony DiLernia, and is under the umbrella of the Coordinated Undergraduate
Education (CUE) initiative, administered by Associate Provost Reza Fakhari

April 17th,18th and 19th

Wednesday april 17

Introduction and welcome by
Dr. Regina Peruggi, President

10:20 – 11:20
Keynote Speaker: Fabien Cousteau
(Ocean Environmentalist)
Plant A Tree? Plant A Fish! Through stories
of ocean exploration and marine adventure,
the grandson of Jacques Cousteau uses his
not-for-profit Plant A Fish to empower local
communities to make a difference.
(Mr. Cousteau’s books will be available for

11:30 – 12:30
MAC RotundA
Student Roundtable.
Led by Prof. Adeline Apena (History)
Jamaica Bay: Why It Is Important and Why
It Must be Preserved. Students will share
personal narratives.

11:30 – 1:50
BookstoRe BReezewAy
Environmental Action Share Fair.
Co-sponsored by the Service-Learning Program
Come learn how you can help local organiza-
tions protect our environment and educate
the community.

12:40 – 1:40
MAC RotundA
Film Screening.
Led by Emily Driscoll (Film producer)
ShellShocked! Saving Oysters to Save Ourselves.
Can oysters be returned to NY Harbor?

12:40 – 2:15
MAC RotundA
Student Research Poster Session.
Students share how their research helps pro-
tect species and communities in and around
Jamaica Bay.

1:50 – 2:50
Student Panel. Led by Prof. Thomas Greene
(Physical Sciences)
Mollusk Mania: Oyster Gardening at KCC.
Students explain their work to restore oysters
to Jamaica Bay.

MAC RotundA
3:00 – 4:00
Citizen Science Training. Staff (NYC Audubon)
Citizens Unite! Join your neighbors to save
wildlife by taking evening strolls on the beach this

MAin CAfeteRiA
5:00 – 7:00
Eco Café Night. (Liberal Arts Council)
An Evening of Fashion, Music, and Poetry!
Sponsored by R2C: Responsibility to Care, Student
World Assembly, and the Liberal Arts Council.

Thursday april 18

Introduction and welcome by
Dr. Reza Fakhari, Associate Provost
Dr. Fakhari will also announce the winners of the
Eco-Festival Art Poster Competition.

9:10 – 10:10
MAC RotundA
Update on Sustainability Efforts in and Around
Vice President Bill Keller (Finance and Adminis-
tration) will discuss the many innovations, infra-
structure, and cutting edge ideas being put in place
to create a more sustainable future for our college
and our community. VP Keller will also announce
the winners of the KCC Goes Green Contest.

10:20 – 11:20
MAC RotundA
Guest Speaker: Dr. Russell Burke (Hofstra University)
Strange Times for Jamaica Bay Terrapins. Can
Long Island’s most fascinating species survive?

MAC RotundA
11:30 – 12:30
Guest Speaker: Dr. Dorothy Peteet (Columbia
Yesterday, Tomorrow and Today. Will reconstruct-
ing ancient landscapes help save Jamaica Bay?

10:20 – 12:40
MAC RotundA
Art Exhibit and Book Signing. Thomas Yezerski
Acclaimed author/illustrator of Meadowlands:
A Wetlands Survival Story. Thomas Yezerski
chronicles the fall and rise of the Meadowlands.

11:30 – 4:00 outside LiBRARy BReezewAy
CAMP PERRT (Health, Physical Education
and Recreation)
11:30 – 12:30 Tent demo, games
12:40 – 1:40 S’mores Demonstration with
Prof. Michelle Bracco and her PERRT majors
1:50 – 2:50 Camp Stove Cooking
Demonstration with Prof. Nick Skirka
3:00 – 4:00
Campfire Sing-along with
Prof. Gail Levine and Prof. Juan Franquiz
and friends.

MAC RotundA
12:40 – 1:40
Film Screening and Book Signing.
Led by Dan Hendrick (Filmmaker)
Jamaica Bay Lives! This documentary focuses
on the history and current issues surrounding
the Bay.

12:40 – 1:40
MAin CAfeteRiA
Dance Performance.
Redhawk Native American Arts Council
History of the Canarsie Tribe. Come learn
about Native American heritage as well as local
Brooklyn history through song and dance.

MAC RotundA
1:50 – 2:50
Student Panel.
Led by Prof. Robert Cowan (English)
Civilization as Failed Experiment. Have
Western ideals of progress and infinite growth
failed humanity?

1:50 – 2:50
Student Town Hall Meeting.
My Bay, My Kingsborough and My Community:
What is My Role?
Sponsored and organized by R2C: Responsi-
bility to Care & Student World Assembly.

1:50 – 4:00
Between t1 & t2
KCC Urban Farm Tours, Tastings and Seed
Check out what we’re growing, learn about
volunteering and internships or plant a seed
to take home.

3:00 – 4:00
MAC RotundA
Student Panel.
Led by Prof. Jason Leggett (History)
Changing Paradigms of Inaction. Reflections
on exploring Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge and
toward eco-parks for education and engagement.

PieR 4, sheePsheAd BAy
4:00 – 6:00
Eco-Cruise of Jamaica Bay.
KCC faculty, staff, students and alum can take
a FREE 2-hour tour of Jamaica Bay on the
Golden Sunshine. Advance tickets required.
For ticket and shuttle bus reservations from
campus visit the Office of Student Life in C123.
Dress appropriately for outdoors!

Friday april 19

The Kingsborough Maritime Technology
Program’s annual high school conference.
All KCC students, faculty and staff are welcome.
Hosted by Prof. Anthony D. DiLernia.

9:00 – 1:00
MAC RotundA
Film Screening: Secrets of the Salt Marsh.
A general overview of salt marsh ecology is
captured here beautifully with crisp aerial,
underwater, and time lapse photography.

10:00 – 11:00
MAC RotundA
Guest Speaker: Don Riepe (American Littoral
The Biology of Jamaica Bay. Stunning photo-
graphs and narrative of the Bay’s rich biodiversity.

MAC RotundA
12:00 – 1:00
Guest Speaker: Dr. Mark Botton (Fordham
If You Build It, Will They Come? Projecting
responses of spawning horseshoe crabs to a
newly renourished beach in New York City.
Prof. Botton will speak about efforts to improve
and preserve the spawning habitat of this ancient

10:00 – 3:00
Plumb Beach Clean-up. Organized by Honors
Club, Phi Theta Kappa, SWA & R2C.
Join fellow students for a beach clean-up. Lunch
will be served. Transportation provided. To
register, email or visit
M377. Dress for outdoor weather!