EES Beginning of the Semester Social This Thursday!

Don’t forget, tomorrow there will be a Colloquium planning meeting and a Meet-and-Greet to informally welcome new students to the EES program.
Colloquium Planning Meeting
(new students strongly encouraged to participate!)
Geography Lounge, Room 4304
Thursday, August 29, 2013
The colloquium committee will discuss the list of speakers for the semester, logistics, etc. First year students are required to attend each week, so it’s in your best interest to have a say in who you have to listen to all year!
Meet-and-Greet Social, (aka what you didn’t hear during orientation)
Meet in the Geography Lounge, Room 4304
Thursday, August 29, 2013
There will be food and beverages, and possibly a trek to nearby Bryant Park
Returning students will be there to answer questions about the program, being a student at the GC, making the most of your relationships with professors, which classes to take, living in New York, where to find good, cheap food around the GC, and anything else you can think of!