EES student, Corey Scher (advisor: Kyle McDonald, CC) has been an active member of the group, Mask Watch, which documents the NYPD’s compliance (or non-compliance) with wearing masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. His work with Mask Watch was recently highlighted in Rolling Stone Magazine.
“… a group of activists started @NYPDMaskWatch back in June to highlight police officers “actively refusing to even follow the barest and most basic protocols to protect public health and safety,” group member Corey Scher tells /Rolling Stone./Scher says the account receives a few dozen complaints a day of NYPD officers not wearing masks, and plans to use its database to author a study regarding the percentage of cops who wear masks at protests. “\The typical responses are, ‘I can’t breathe,’ ‘This is a free country,’ ‘It’s a recommendation, not the law,’” he says. (In fact, in New York state, it is a law for people within six feet of each other to wear a mask.)”
Read more Here.