#ESSPublishes: Rethinking #Neoliberalism: Resisting the Disciplinary Regmine co-edited by Prof Pavlovskaya

ESS Professor Marianna Pavlovskaya (@mpavlov) co-edited a new book entitled “Rethinking Neoliberalism: Resisting the Disciplinary Regime”.

Neoliberalism remains a flashpoint for political contestation around the world. For decades now, neoliberalism has been in the process of becoming a globally ascendant default logic that prioritizes using economic rationality for all major decisions, in all sectors of society, at the collective level of state policymaking as well as the personal level of individual choice-making. Donald Trump’s recent presidential victory has been interpreted both as a repudiation and as a validation of neoliberalism’s hegemony.

Rethinking Neoliberalism brings together theorists, social scientists, and public policy scholars to address neoliberalism as a governing ethic for our times. The chapters interrogate various dimensions of debates about neoliberalism while offering engaging empirical examples of neoliberalism’s effects on social and urban policy in the USA, Europe, Russia, and elsewhere. Themes discussed include:

  • Relationship between neoliberalism, the state, and civil society
  • Neoliberalism and social policy to discipline citizens
  • Urban policy and how neoliberalism reshapes urban governance
  • What it will take politically to get beyond neoliberalism.

Prof Pavlovskaya has a MA in geography from Moscow State University and a PhD in geography from Clark University. Her major fields include urban geography, feminist geography, and critical GIS (Geographic Information Science). Her current research examines neoliberalism and the production of economic difference in post-Soviet Russia, the role of the census, statistics, and geo-spatial data in constitution of the social body, the relationship between gender, class, and work-related migration, and the emergence of the solidarity economy in the United States. Her work appeared in the Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Geoforum, Europe-Asia Studies, Environment and Planning ACartographica, Urban Geography, and many edited volumes. She worked on international research projects with colleagues from Norway, Uganda, and Russia.