The have received a generous gift from Deborah Cowen to endow the Neil Smith Research and Travel Award “to assist graduate students in Geography with small funds to support research, professional development or conference activities.”
I am delighted to say that this spring we will be able to make a small number of awards between $300-$1000 to students “undertaking research in critical geography.”
To apply for these funds please submit the following (as one pdf attachment):
- a brief description of your current project (no more than 1 page),
- a current CV,
- an itemized budget with a brief justification for all expenses, and an indication of any and all funds received from other sources or applied for and still pending.
Please email this packet to Cindi Katz with “Smith Application” in the subject heading. Please let Cindi Katz know if you have any questions.
Applications received after midnight 1 April 2019 will not be considered for this funding cycle. Awards will be announced by 20 April.
Please note:
If you received Smith funding since 2016, you are not eligible for funding this cycle.
If you are requesting funding to attend a conference and are NOT presenting a paper or poster, please justify why attendance will contribute to your scholarship.