The University of Oulu is an international scientific community, with 16 000 students and approximately 3 000 employees. The strenghts of the University are wide multidisciplinary study/research interests and modern research and study environment and good cooperation with international educational and research institutes. More information
The following job is open in the University of Oulu:
A two-year postdoctoral position is available in the RELATE Center of Excellence that operates at the Geography Department of Oulu University and Tampere University. This position is open at Oulu University. It is expected that the recruited researcher will contribute to the research work carried out in the RELATE CoE. More information about the research themes and groups of the RELATE CoE:
Post description
Position is available to an international researcher (i.e. a foreign researcher or a Finnish researcher returning to Finland after finishing a PhD abroad). The candidate has a background in some subarea of human geography or in other related field of social/political sciences or humanities/cultural studies. It is expected that the candidate has shown research and publishing activity in some of the following areas: border studies, tourism mobility or immigration studies, transnational processes.
The applicant is expected to hold a PhD degree, to show ability for independent research and to possess the necessary teaching skills.
Terms of employment
The starting date for the post can be negotiated but expected to be in May-August 2015. The post will be filled full time for 2 years. The salary for the Postdoctoral Researcher will be based on the job demand level 5 – 6 of the salary system for teaching and research staff in use in Finnish universities. In addition, based on personal work performance, up to 46.3 % of the job demands level can be paid. In practice, the overall salary range can be from being 3,200 ‐ 3,700 € per month depending on the appointee’s qualification and experience.
In your application, please provide the following information:
- A brief description (3 – 4 pages) of your research interests and how they tie up with and support the research themes of the CoE
Add the following appendices to your application:
- Curriculum vitae
- A list of publications
- Letters of recommendation or email addresses of two senior academics willing to provide more information
Please send your application and the appendices using the electronic application form by 23.3.2015
at the following address:
in Finnish:
in English:
Additional information
Professor Anssi Paasi ( and Professor Jarkko Saarinen (, Department of Geography, University of Oulu |