National Register of Historic Places Researcher Needed for @rowi1636 (Letter of Intent due 5/18)


 Completion of National Register Documentation for Roger Williams National Memorial

Roger Williams National Park Service (the Park), with the support of the Northeast Region History Program, has identified the needed to complete National Register of Historic Places (National Register) documentation and is seeking a researcher(s) to inventory, evaluate, and register the park’s resources in all appropriate historic contexts. The project will produce National Register documentation which evaluates all Park resources according to National Register criteria for significance and integrity.

Roger Williams National Memorial is a small urban park (4.58 acres), established by Congress to commemorate Williams, the founder of Rhode Island, and significant contributions to the principles of individual freedom in the United States. The Park is located at 282 North Main Street, at the foot of College Hill in downtown Providence. Williams arrived in what he called Providence in 1636, after banishment from the Massachusetts Bay Colony on charges of sedition and heresy. Williams was attracted to an area within the homelands of the Narragansett peoples by the presence of a fresh-water spring, and laid out a settlement where the principles of religious freedom were ensured for citizens through the principles of separation of church and state and majoritarian democracy. Williams built his house across the street from the spring and lived there on and off until his death in 1683.


During the subsequent four centuries, the spring—later described as a symbolic wellspring of both Rhode Island and the concept of religious freedom in the United States—became hidden by urban development. The spring was revealed in the early twentieth century and was enshrined within Roger Williams National Memorial, which was designated in 1965 and was substantially completed in 1982. Although mostly a contemporary resource, the park, with its winding paths, open lawns, and groves of trees, includes an early twentieth-century municipal memorial to Roger Williams and the founding of Providence. It also includes the eighteenth-century Antram-Gray House, which was moved 40 feet south onto the empty lot, cleared as an urban renewal project in 1974.The Antram-Gray House houses a visitor center with exhibits, a film, and a bookstore, as well as administrative offices.


Nature of Work Required


The Park expects that:


  1. Interested researcher(s), including a Principal Investigator and key team members, must meet the requirements specified in 36 CFR Appendix A, Professional Qualification Standards and the intent of Section 112 (a)(1)(of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as Amended through 1992
  2. The selected researcher(s) will prepare National Register documentation for Roger Williams National Memorial located in Providence County, Rhode Island in accordance with current standards and scholarship and takes into account the full extent of the park’s resources and history.
  3. The researcher(s) will prepare new documentation that evaluates all Park resources as part of the district, whether they relate to the primary significance of Roger Williams National Memorial or independently meet National Register criteria.
  4. The completed documentation will fulfill all National Register technical requirements, as outlined in technical bulletins and in the attached Scope of Work and project agreement.


The National Park Service’s substantial involvement in the project includes collaboration in completion of a detailed Scope of Work; assistance in identifying relevant primary and secondary sources and existing inventory data; substantive review of all research products; and, submission of completed National Register documentation for review and certification by all applicable state and federal authorities.



The products from this project is completed National Register documentation for Roger Williams National Memorial.


Funds Available

Available project funding is $25,000, inclusive of the negotiated CESU overhead rate of 17.5 percent.  The project will be funded by the National Park Service. Only universities within the CESU network are eligible to apply.


Letters of Interest

A Letter of Interest (Letter) should be sent to the addresses located in the “contact” section. LOI’s will be reviewed by a panel. The panel will select will select the top candidate(s) who will be asked to provide and submit a full proposal detailing the work to done, providing and describing the methodology and research design, and outlining a schedule of deliverables.


The Letter should describe your research interest(s) in the projects, past projects that are similar in topic and/or form, and any relevant experience in completing ethnographic projects. Please include your name, affiliated organization(s), and contact information. The Letter should be limited to two pages of text.


Project Timeframe

Interested researcher(s) should submit a Letter of Interest by May 18, 2016. [Please note that the selected researcher(s) will need to work closely with the Park and the Northeast History Program to complete a draft project agreement, including budget, for review by June 6, 2016.]



Letters of Interest  should be directed before the closing date to Bethany Serafine ( Please address any comments or questions to Serafine by email or phone (802-457-3368 x 250).


Roger Williams National Memorial

Providence, Rhode Island

National Register Documentation


April 2016



This project directs the consultant to prepare National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) documentation for Roger Williams National Memorial (Memorial) located in Providence County, Rhode Island in accordance with current standards and scholarship and takes into account the full extent of the park’s resources and history. Consultant shall provide all materials, supplies, labor, supervision, coordination, and management necessary to complete the work as and when required, as specified in this scope of services.



The information developed under this delivery order is the property of the U.S. Government and must be kept in strict confidence.



The work shall begin following the issuance of the delivery order, proceed in accordance with the schedule for submittals, and be completed no later than twenty-four (24) months after award.




Roger Williams National Memorial was designated by Congress in 1965 to commemorate the founder of Providence and his significant contributions to the principles of freedom in the United States. Although mostly a contemporary resource, the 4.5 acre park includes an early twentieth-century municipal memorial to Roger Williams and the founding of Providence, as well as an eighteenth-century house. The 4.5-acre national memorial is defined by its surrounding streets: North Main Street and Canal Street on the east and west, and Park Row and Smith Street on the south and north.


The Memorial was administratively listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1966, but a nomination specific to the Memorial has never been completed. The Memorial is included within the boundaries of the College Hill National Historic Landmark District (designated 12/30/1970) (NRIS #70000019). However, that nomination provides little historic context or information specific to the Roger Williams National Memorial. A Cultural Landscape Inventory was completed for the park in August 2011 which includes concurrence from the Rhode Island State Historic Preservation Office on the Memorial’s cultural landscape’s eligibility to the NRHP. This documentation effort will evaluate all historic resources within the boundaries of Roger Williams National Memorial and complete the National Register of Historic Places form.




Contracting Officer: TBD

Agreement’s Technical Representative: (ATR)


Project Manager: Bethany Serafine, 802-457-3368,




National Register Documentation


  • Post Award Meeting at Roger Williams National Memorial (park)


  • Prepare National Register Documentation:


  • Consultant shall use all readily available primary and secondary source material, including NPS reports, and perform physical investigations as necessary, to complete documentation for a district nomination of the property described in the addendum to this scope of services.


  • The consultant shall prepare new documentation; revise the description and take into account changing conditions of previously listed properties; considering new areas and periods of significance; considering potential archeological sites, and classify resources park-wide as contributing and non-contributing. The submission shall include a Collections Statement pertaining to site-specific museum collections. All resources shall be evaluated as part of the district, whether they relate to the primary significance of Roger Williams National Memorial or independently meet National Register criteria.


  • The documentation shall be based on National Register criteria for significance and the integrity of resources, and it shall consider appropriate historic contexts. The information must be submitted on a National Register Form 10-900.


  • Follow the guidelines for counting contributing and noncontributing resources in National Register Bulletin: Guidelines for Completing National Register of Historic Places Forms. The resource count shall conform to the Rules for Counting Resources (page 17).


  • Specifically account for all buildings, structures, sites, and objects, historic and non- historic, within the boundary in both National Register Form 10-900 Section 7 (description) and on the district data sheet. Specifically, reference all contributing resources described in both National Register Form 10-900 Section 7 and Section 8.


  • Distinguish countable resources from their associated features in both the narrative in Section 7 and the associated data sheet. Organize the data sheet by resource type and include associated features for specific resources. In addition to other identifying information, include the area(s) of significance with which they are associated. Include also a separate list of non-contributing resources.


  • All resources and features listed in NPS List of Classified Structures (LCS) and Cultural Landscape Inventories (CLI) as contributing, whether or not countable for purposes of the National Register, shall be described.


  • Consultant must include photographic views representing each resource. Views must include the buildings and structures and important landscape features and patterns. The consultant must adhere to the National Register Photo Policy Fact Sheet.


  • Consultant shall create and notate a scaled map identifying all contributing and non- contributing resources by name and number. Mapping shall be compatible with NPS GIS standards. (See STIPULATIONS, no. 10.)


  • Consultant shall create interpretive media that highlights the National Register documentation. An example will be provided to the consultant.


  • NPS Review of Detailed Outline and Draft National Register Form Required Submittals:


Consultant shall electronically submit the following for NPS review during the course of the project:


1) An initial draft National Register form for NPS Review, which includes:

1) National Register form Cover Sheet;

2) a draft Section 7 description and draft narrative of Section 8 Statement of Significance;

3) a preliminary data sheet listing featuring contributing and non-contributing resources with potential area of significance indicated,

2) A revised draft National Register form for NPS Review,

3) A final National Register Form for State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) comment

4) A final National Register Form for submission to the Federal Preservation Officer (FPO) and interpretive material following NPS comment to the Agreement’s Technical Representative (ATR) and Project Manager:  Bethany Serafine, National Register Coordinator, Northeast Region, Woodstock, VT, 05091,

Consultant shall revise/supplement the respective submittals in response to consolidated written comments.


  • Revise Final National Register Form for SHPO Comment

Consultant must submit the Final National Register Form for SHPO comment to the ATR as specified in the project schedule below.  Consultant shall address any SHPO comments provided, if deemed necessary by the NPS.  If no comments are received from the SHPO, the Final National Register Form for SHPO shall constitute the Final National Register Form for submission to the Federal Preservation Officer (FPO).


Start-up teleconference with the park staff, NPS regional office and university project team


Within thirty (30) calendar days post award
Start-up meeting and site visit at park with the park staff, NPS regional office and university project team Within ninety (90) calendar days post start-up teleconference
Initial Draft including: Cover sheet, draft of Section 7, Section 8 narrative and preliminary Data Sheet listing Contributing and Non- Contributing resources, sketch map, and photographs. Within one hundred fifty (150) calendar days of start-up meeting and site visit
Revised Draft National Register form for NPS review: Cover sheet, Draft of Section 7, and Section 8 Statement of Significance, preliminary data sheet, sketch map, and photos. Within one hundred twenty (120) calendar days following the receipt of NPS comments on the initial draft
Final National Register form for SHPO comment Within forty-five (45) calendar days after NPS comments on Revised Draft National Register form are returned.
Final National Register form for submission to the Federal Preservation Officer (FPO)

and interpretive material.

Within forty-five (45) calendar days after SHPO comments on final National Register Form for SHPO review are returned.





  • Project Schedule: The NPS shall provide comments to the consultant on all submittals within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the submission.


  • Submittal Format


  1. Submittal of draft forms and interim submittals: Consultant shall post draft forms and interim submittals electronically on a site to be designated by the NPS. Site and access shall be provided by the ATR at the Post Award Meeting.


  1. Submittal of final form: Form 10-900 must be submitted electronically as indicated in 2(a) above on a form with the template information entered as a header.  All forms and graphic materials, including USGS maps, photographs, and other graphics, must meet the requirements for submittal to the National Register of Historic Places. Three sets of graphic material-photographs, maps, and other graphic material- must be submitted.


  1. All photographs must adhere to the National Register Photo Policy Fact Sheet.





  • Consultant and key team members shall meet the requirements specified in 36 CFR Appendix A, Professional Qualification Standards and the intent of Section 112 (a)(1)(of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as Amended through 1992


  • Consultant shall coordinate with the ATR as necessary to complete the work as and when required. Coordination may include participating in conference calls and product review meetings.


  • All work must be technically and legally defensible. Consultant must utilize the guidelines the National Register of Historic Places bulletins including: 15, How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation; 16A, How to Complete the National Register Registration Form; 21, Defining Boundaries for National Register Properties (with Appendix, Definition of National Register Boundaries for Archeological Properties). Consultant shall also utilize the guidelines contained in NPS-28 (Cultural Resource Management Guideline): Appendix Q, “Preparing a National Register Registration Form.”




  • All digital photography, including printing on acceptable ink and paper combination for digital images, must be accomplished in accordance with the March, 2005 National Register of Historic Places and National Historic Landmarks Survey Photo Policy Expansion (


  • Consultant is advised that Section 9 of the Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (as amended) prohibits the release of information concerning the nature or location of archeological properties unless specifically authorized by the Federal Land Manager. Unauthorized release may result in penalties described in Section 7 of that Act. Section 304 of the National Historic Preservation Act also applies. Documentation of restricted information shall adhere to National Register of Historic Places Bulletin 29, Guidelines for Restricting Information and Historic and Prehistoric Resources.  If possible, sensitive archeological information as defined in the Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (as amended) and that may reveal locational date by shall be organized so that it can be easily redacted.


  • Research files, photographs, and other material produced as a result of this project shall be delivered to Janine DaSilva, Cultural Resource Manager, and become the property of the Roger Williams National Memorial upon completion of the contract or upon its previous termination.


  • The National Park Service shall provide a draft Collections Management Statement consistent with the guidelines contained in NPS-28 (Cultural Resource Management Guideline): Appendix Q, “Preparing a National Register Registration Form,” to the consultant for inclusion in the document, at the post award meeting.


  • The NPS shall provide Lands Office maps to assist with defining the boundaries of the National Register at the post award meeting.


  • The consultant shall be required to meet the following NPS GIS mapping standards:


Geospatial data collection for the National Park Service must follow the NPS GIS Specifications found at: and These standards are based on Executive Order 12906 ( and other legal documents.  Further information can be found at:


All deliverable data must be collected in DATUM WGS84 (or NAD83) and delivered to Janine DaSilva, Cultural Resource Manager, Roger Williams National Memorial in the projection defined as Universal Transverse Mercator, UTM Coordinate System, Datum NAD83, Zone 18 North; deliverables shall be delivered in the ArcGIS file geodatabase, personal geodatabase, coverage format (*.e00 file), or shape file format in that order of preference. All data shall be differentially corrected as outlined in the specifications noted above. Deliverables can be provided on CD-ROM, DVD, or jump (flash) drive.  Data deliverables must include raw GPS data files, corrected GPS data files, and the exported format as defined above.


Federal Geographic Data Committee metadata requirements, as specified in the NPS_GISSpecs_20070302.pdf file (referenced above), shall be followed.  No data shall be accepted from consultants/cooperators/Principal Investigators or subconsultants/cooperators/Principal Investigators without Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC)-compliant metadata, which can be conveniently created in ESRI ArcCatalog module or by any other metadata software which results FGDC-compliant documents.


In addition, the “process step” item of metadata (Data QualityàProcess Step) must be populated detailing the steps taken to collect, create, convert, and edit the geospatial data. Additional documents can be attached to the ArcCatalog Metadata (Metadata PropertiesàEnclosuresàAdd).


GPS units must be of mapping grade quality (submeter accurate), have the capability of  data dictionaries, and be capable of exporting the data for post-processing differential correction and exporting data into a format compatible with ESRI ArcGIS software.  Consultant shall use their own computers and software capable of producing data and metadata compatible with ESRI ArcGIS.


  • The Consultant’s quality control efforts must ensure that all draft and final deliverables are completed documents, as specified, that have been reviewed for academic excellence, professional and copy quality, and technical accuracy. Documents not displaying such efforts shall not be accepted. It is the Consultant’s responsibility to address inadequacies; additional time shall not be provided.



NPS shall make progress payments to Consultant as specified below upon the receipt of proper and acceptable invoices submitted consistent with the quality requirements described in Stipulation 11.


Initial Draft of the National Register Form including: Section 7 and Draft Section 8 Statement of Significance,

Preliminary Data Sheet listing Contributing

and Non-contributing resources photographs and maps

40% of the award amount
Revised Draft National Register Form for NPS Review 40% of the award amount
Final National Register form for SHPO comment and Final National Register form for submission to the Federal Preservation Officer (FPO) and interpretive material 20% of the award amount






List of Classified Structures:


Preferred Structure Name Structure Number Park LCS ID
Antram-Gray House 001 Roger Williams National Memorial 040008
Hahn Memorial 002 Roger Williams National Memorial 040380


Cultural Landscape Inventory:


Cultural Landscape Inventory Name:  


Roger Williams NM Landscape

Cultural Landscape Inventory Number:  






ASMIS data will be provided


A copy of the Cultural Landscape Report can be found here: