The Future of Food Spring Symposium


April 22 & 23, 2013 , 11am-4pm

Brooklyn College, SUBO Penthouse, 7th Floor

Trends in the sustainable production, distribution, and consumption of food and approaches to world hunger. Guest speakers will include:

Paul Thompson, Michigan State University

Frances Moore Lappe, Author of Diet for A Small Planet; Martin Schreibman and Beatriz Beckford and a panel of Brooklyn food activists.

Monday April 22:


Paul Thompson, Philosophy, Michigan State University

“Hopes & Promises of a Sustainable Food System:

What Does the Future Hold?

Respondent: Michael Menser, Philosophy, Brooklyn College


Sustainable Lunch with Paul Sachs performing folk songs

2:15-3:30 PM

Phil McMichael, Sociology, Cornell University

“Food and Land Sovereignty and the Global Hunger Games”

Respondent: Nancy Romer, Psychology

      Tuesday April 23:


Frances Moore Lappé, Founder, Small Planet Institute and author of

Diet for a Small Planet

“World Hunger: Myths and Truths.”

Respondent: Tammy Lewis, Sociology, Brooklyn College


Panel Discussion

This panel will look at the role individual actions play in building broader movements that have real people power, and are inclusive of community members most impacted by oppression and racial inequality. Panelist will also share best practices, and models for movements that successfully unite people, heal communities, build power, and address social inequities in an inclusive, and grassroots manner.


Beatriz Beckford, Brooklyn Food Coalition, Nicole Taylor, Food Culturist, hostof Hot Grease (Heritage Radio Network); Aki Baker, Founder, Adopt a Farm Box,; Mark Winston Griffith, Director, Brooklyn Movement Center; Corbin Laedlin, Youth Program Manager, Added Value.

Food and drinks


Martin Schreibman, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Biology

Aquaponics: Sustainable Food Production, A Direction for the Future.