Evidence in the Natural Sciences
FRIDAY, MAY 30, 2014
Gerald D. Fischbach Auditorium
160 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY 10010
Scientific Program: 8:00 AM – 3:15 PM
Evening Program: 4:30 – 7:45 PM
What is the difference between evidence, fact, and proof? Can we quantify evidence; is something more evident than something else? What does it take to convince a scientist, a scientific community, and the general public of the correctness of a scientific result in the era of very complicated experiments, big data, and weak signals?
This symposium, co-hosted by the Simons Foundation and John Templeton Foundation and in collaboration with the World Science Festival, will address these and related questions.
Important Registration Information
The SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM is best suited for established researchers, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students working in the natural sciences and allied fields.
The EVENING PROGRAM is appropriate for the above scientists in addition to the well-informed general public.
You must register for each program separately. Please click REGISTER HERE to be directed to the event page for BOTH programs. We expect a high level of interest in this meeting, registration is required. |